
Sunday, January 16, 2011

2011...bitch has an itch to scratch and its my weight... you know I'm 255lb and 5'10. I need to loose some weight and I can see that from just looking in the mirror everyday. I realize that I was FAT when I went to Italy in 2009. I almost cried when I saw those pictures and I tore them up. Looking at my fat cow self was a wake up call but why now in 2011.....

I' m headed to Tokyo in 2012 and I need to go as a new slimmer me. Being as big as I am....I'll feel even more insecure as  do now. To achieve my goal weight of 170, I need to loose 85lbs...85lbs...85lbs....thats a big bitch lol. So in my journey to the realm of the skinny bitches..... I'll be facing MCds, the Bk, and of course Chinese food. Though I gave up bk and MCd isn't looking to go for me anymore. I've been trying to eat less and keep my health in check.  So support this big bitch...

I got fucken sexy lips <3

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