
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Let's get a reality check -Shaun T's insanity workout -big bitch's nightmare

Yesterday night I ended up doing the shaun T insanity workout...mind you that this workout is crazy!!!!! Damn...its makes Shaun T Hip Hop abs look like a walk in the park. I did the ab portion of disk 3. Mind you this dvd is not for the faint of heart. It really gets your abs working. I almost cried. :( I was hoffing and puffing and struggling to keep my composure even though my sports bar wasn't helping me -_-. I really need to buy a yoga mat.....on some real....I need a YOGA MAT....LOL Or I could be a slight bit ghetto and make one haha.

I only did it because I didn't feel like going to my regular gym retro fitness last night but holy SNAP like wtf was Shaun T thinking when he made this. It hurts so much. But it was worth the work out. For dinner I had a bowl of white rice mix in with grilled chicken pieces. Sorry I don't have a pic, but I will put one up as soon as possible.

The weigh in is coming up...  on SUNDAY >.> Let's see whose the biggest loser!!!!

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